One such game was called "Ambulance". The premise was that one person was selected to be the ambulance driver (the player no one wanted to be). The other players would go around the property with our bicycles and/or whatever device we creatively used, and get ourselves into a position which displayed some sort of accident we had been involved in. The idea was to be the most creative we could be to get into odd and awkward positions to make it the most difficult for the ambulance driver to retrieve us and take us to the hospital. (Thus, the ambulance driver being the least enviable position to have.)

So, the ambulance driver would usually count to about 100 to allow the other players to get into position. Then he/she would go around the property with the ambulance (the trusty Radio Flyer) and search for the injured parties. They would usually be crying out, "Help, help me!"
Since there were many trees on the property with low branches, it was especially fun to try and hook a bicycle tire on a branch, then the bike rider would be hanging upside down - sometimes tangled in the bicycle itself - and have to be retrieved by the ambulance driver. The object was that the victim could not help the driver in getting loaded into the ambulance. It was always a lot of fun to observe the unlucky person who was the driver try and wrestle the victim down from his or her position and place them in the ambulance, then transport to the designated area for the hospital.
One drawback for being creative, though, was that sometimes it was especially difficult for the driver to retrieve a victim, and it would take quite some time to accomplish. All the other victims had to wait in their postion until the driver reached them for retrieval. Some of my siblings would get bored of waiting and just quit before the game finished. Needless to say we didn't play that game too many times in one day. We would play it often, though, because we always tried not to be the driver. Usually, we would be in a group and someone would yell out something like, "Hey, let's play ambulance! I'm not the driver!" Whomever was the unlucky one to be last to yell out usually ended up being the driver.
This is yet another adorable memory! I am so very impressed with you and your siblings' creativity and imaginations! I love the picture! You have a flair for sharing your childhood memories! It does make me lament that my childhood was so very dull in comparison! Excellent post!
I doubt anyone's childhood was really dull. If one was to really think back at their childhood they could find numerous stories in there somewhere. Where do you think a lot of comedians get their material from? It's mostly from observations.
Thank you for the vote of confidence.
That is ONLY true if #1. one actually can recall things from that long ago---which I just can not! and #2. the individual did have a life---you know, actually did have an imagination and was encouraged to use it! OR at least was not obstructed in using it! You seem to be blessed in both areas and in the third---which is having the talent and gift to record and share those memories vividly and BONUS!!! have the know-how to attach the best photo's too!
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